the patio

Pacific Beach, San Diego, CA

Located in San Diego, California, The Patio on Lamont is a newly developed restaurant in Pacific Beach. The concept stems from an existing restaurant that had been a part of the community for many years. The old structure was in such disrepair that we had to rebuild it, in its entirety. Using the same building footprint, we left choice pieces untouched to exhibit the building's history. Other items that had to be disassembled and removed, lead to many great opportunities in repurposing those old materials. The big idea was to open the surrounding interior spaces to the heart of the restaurant, which is The patio on Lamont.

beatrize arruez
lahaina architects

inquire [oo-d-a]
the patio
the patio
the patio
the patio
the patio
the patio
the patio
the patio